The Heart Flow Worldwide Centre Melbourne, Australia, has an Earth Healing Service scheduled at 2:00 pm Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) on Sunday, 18 August 2024.
Although there will not be participants in physical attendance, you are most welcome to join the service conductor and other on-line participants by following the service format below in your own rhythm, or another format of your choice. This service utilises elements of the Heart Flow Healing Service II. You may wish to play some meditative music and silently repeat the mantra below, as you prepare for the service. Pre-service Mantra The Light of Hope and the Love of Heart Flow live within my heart. 1. Welcome and Introduction A very warm welcome everyone to our Heart Flow Healing Service which will be dedicated to the quality of Hope and to the divine love energy known as Heart Flow. In this healing service, we will be working together in meditation, prayer, invocation and song to call upon the spiritual energies and inner assistance that bring healing and light to humanity and to our Mother Earth. Ananda* has explained that hope is ‘the energy and quality that keeps the world going, and keeps mind sound and clear’1 and she explains that Heart Flow is a stream of goodness and loving kindness. These energies are assisting humanity to move into the Age of the Heart. As difficult global events continue to unfold and challenge us all on many levels, the energy of hope is very much needed in our life. It can be very difficult to keep ourselves informed of world events, without being exposed to some of the darkest and cruellest elements within human nature. The distortion of truth itself is being regularly used as a tool today to create confusion, imbalance, harm and fear within humanity. Humanity is in the midst of enormous pressure to change and to make the ultimate choice between light and dark, as we transition from the Piscean Age into the Age of Aquarius. The consequences of the choices being made by some of the world leaders today are being witnessed on the world stage. As individuals and groups, we constantly hope and pray that their choices will be working towards a sense of oneness and respect within humanity and between nations, and working towards the protection of our planet. Hope can also be seen as the driving force behind many individuals, groups and organisations who ceaselessly strive to bring about right human relations, justice, goodwill, peace, unity and kindness towards all the kingdoms that co-exist on this Earth. The many years of sacrifice and struggle to reach their goals cannot be achieved without having hope in their hearts and a vision for a better world. Ananda has stated: 'It is a time of sacrifice – sacrifice of self to bring about this new beginning.'2 Hope is clearly a quality that can uphold and strengthen these heart-focused efforts within humanity. The Lord Maitreya, the Christ, is also the Master of Hope, and with the White Tara, a Lady of Hope, and the Archangel Hope, They are together helping all of humanity who are willing to hope for a better world. The Lord Maitreya is also the vehicle for the purest divine love known as Heart Flow. Ananda has explained that 'the Heart of the Universe flows through the Heart of Maitreya, whose Heart encompasses all of the Earth. From Maitreya’s Heart, the Love of the greater Heart flows to all hearts on Earth.'4 This divine love energy can be felt as 'a stream of goodness and loving-kindness to all those who will accept it and who will happily and joyfully allow it to bring them to the centre of their inner being where all is clear and peaceful.'5 'Heart Flow is the flow of love that will ultimately change the world.'6 It is the new hope for humanity, driving the necessary change towards selfless service and leading us into a new world where peace and joy will become the living experience on Earth. Let us now open our hearts and begin the service with our first song titled ‘Let the New World In’. 2. Singing To listen, click on the arrow in the sound bar below.
Protection of the Cosmic Light Everyone: We ask for the protection of the Cosmic Light. Visualise blue light surrounding all present. 4. Attunement of all present The attunement will be guided by Ananda Tara Shan. To listen, click on the arrow in the sound bar below. 5.
Invocation of Service to the Heart Everyone: Universal Heart, Heart of the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient Source of Light, stream forth Your all-pervading goodness and love onto us, bathe us in Your glorious Heart Flow and, through us, heal the Earth and humanity as directed at this Service. 6. Meditation - Song Let us now prepare to go into our first meditation where we will listen to a beautiful song titled ‘Heart Flow of Maitreya’. If you wish to sing along, the text is available below. Visualise the petals of your heart gently opening and receiving the divine love that flows from the Heart of the Lord Maitreya. And from your hearts send out Heart Flow to heal the heart of humanity, especially those who are deeply suffering from the many difficult challenges faced on this Earth. Allow the love to also encompass and heal nature’s kingdoms, going deep into the body of our Mother Earth. Now allow yourselves to relax by sitting comfortably in your chair and use your breath, and the music, to take you deep within your heart centre. To listen, click on the arrow in the sound bar below.
Healing Invocation Everyone: We invoke the Great Archangels of Healing, Raphael and Mary, with Whom we shall heal the Earth at this Service. We invoke the Mother of the Universe Who, through Her compassionate earthly vehicles, heals suffering and pain within the Earth and within humanity. We invoke the Spirit of Peace Who willingly embraces us with peace and well-being, uplifting us to His realm of perfected consciousness. We invoke the Spirit of the Heart, which heals all imbalanced and diseased conditions on Earth. 8. Healing Meditation In our next meditation we will be working with the energy of Hope. It is a guided meditation using extracts of a text written by Ananda. During this meditation, please send the light of Hope out into the world and into all areas where there is much need for comfort and support. As you now prepare to go into the meditation, take into your hearts, the words by the Lord Maitreya: ‘There is still hope for everyone on Earth. The Gateway of Hope has opened even wider.’ 7 To listen, click on the arrow in the sound bar below. 9.
Closing Invocation Everyone: To You, Spirit of the Universe, we show our eternal gratitude. 10. The Great Invocation** Everyone: From the point of Light within the Mind of God, There appears Maitreya as the Son of the Sun. Let His Light stream forth into the minds of men, Let His Light stream forth on Earth. Redeemer, Thou hast come. From the point of Love within the Heart of God, There comes Maitreya, the Lord of Love. Let His Love stream forth into the hearts of men, Christ the Risen One is here on Earth. From the Centre where the Will of God is known, Let the Avatar of Synthesis guide the wills of men. Maitreya, Your Purpose is clear. Avatar of Synthesis, make Yourself known. We serve You, Masters of the Light. From the Centre which we call the race of men, Let the Plan of Love and Light work out, And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Maitreya restore the Plan on Earth. Let His Light, Love, and Power be with you. **The Great Invocation as given by the Christ to the Lord D.K. has been rewritten by the Christ through Ananda Tara Shan, making it more in keeping with the times. 11. Conclusion Let us conclude our service today by listening to a lovely song titled ‘Everything will be OK.’ To listen to the song, click on the arrow within the audio bar below. Thank you everyone for your beautiful participation in this service.
With gratitude in our hearts, let us take the light of Hope and the divine love of Heart Flow out into our world and let us hold the vision that the Age of the Heart will one day be a reality on Earth. *Ananda Tara Shan (1946-2002) Mother Founder of Heart Flow Worldwide and The Theosophical Fellowship References: 1. Ananda Tara Shan, Hope, written on the late 1990's, <>, accessed 13/8/2024 2. Ibid 3. Ibid 4. Ananda Tara Shan, Ananda Tara Shan explains Heart Flow, 23/5/2001 <>, accessed 15/8/2024 5. Ibid 6. Ibid 7. Ananda Tara Shan, Hope, written on the late 1990's, <>, accessed 13/8/2024 Recording: - Heart Attunement tp 4a Songs and Music – used with the kind permission of the artists: - Let There Be Peace CD, track 5 'Let the New World In' by Yasodhara - Under Your Wings CD, track 6 'Heartflow of Maitreya' by White Lotus - Music behind the Healing Meditation: Together with Ananda CD, track1 ‘Door to My Soul’, by the group 'Love of Maitreya' - Knights and Angels CD, track 8 'Everything will be ok' – by Asha Elijah, Image by: (Robert Hoffman) |