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01. Now, it’s an enormous topic of course, and now we come to sex. Sex, the disease-maker on the planet. The reason why the planet Earth is a diseased being is abuse of sexual energy. And the Master tells us it will take several centuries from now on to change what has happened on the Earth. 02. Let us look at the sexual problem. We have an enormous problem on Earth. It cannot be solved right now even if the disciples may hope to do so. 03. See, the incoming seventh ray… There’s an interesting thing with these periods. The periods last for about 2,500 years, 2,000 years. This energy of Pisces started to give way to the Seventh Ray Age already in late sixteen hundred. With the incoming seventh ray moving into the planetary sacral chakra and body, it hit with a force into the sacral chakras of people, of humanity. And the sexual problem has become greater ever since. 04. Diseases, epidemics, viruses have started just because of abuse of sexual energies from Atlantis and Lemuria. But we are starting new epidemics, and new diseases, and new viruses because of abuse of sexual energy, because we are abusing the God creator within ourselves. 05. Now, I have abused sex. I didn’t think about loving sex in other lives as abuse, not when you live in that world where sex is wonderful – money and power, mmmm. It’s just that when you become spiritualised, then you start to understand that something is not right here. You cannot share with I don’t know how many men, that is if you’re a woman, and how many women if you’re a man, energies of the most divine kind, and they don’t mean anything. They just create some, you know, pleasure or gratification for a moment. 06. But the problem is, why are people seeking sex and sex partners? It’s because it’s the lowest – it’s the lowest expression of merging with God. When you merge, if you’re a man and you merge with a woman, or a woman merges with a man, in sexual intercourse, you actually experience the lowest kind - but it is the fusion, and the merging, and the unity, and the unison with God, because together, man and a woman become God and can feel for a moment some energy of ecstasy or bliss, or something different than just the energies we’re used to on Earth. 07. And as man will always search for God whether he knows it or not, or she knows it or not, many people use sex as the means to do it – always searching for the soul; always searching for the soul mate, the twin soul; always searching for the fusing of spirit and matter, positive and negative, man and woman. We will not get rid of that problem for quite some time. 08. But the problem will get rid of humanity. Because we are entering into a higher spiral of energy, a higher vibration on Earth, human beings who will not live according to the law will be removed. The epidemics will kill humanity, the viruses – not so much the cataclysmic actions – viruses created by abuse of this sexual energy. 09. Cancer is one of the problems. Cancer is one of the diseases that come from abuse of sexual energies, way back, way back in time. It is not that all who get cancer have that karma, but cancer is one of the main diseases. And also unfortunately the Aids virus, and other viruses coming up which are really, really dreadful because they’re going to kill people in no time. 10. And we have been told – and this I will give you, it’s straight from Master’s mouth – it’s now time that you start to work with invoking the Violet Flame to protect you, and let your children do it as well. Before you complete the school, I will give you an invocation for that, as using the Violet Flame every day, you protect yourself against viruses and diseases, because there will be an onslaught of these on Earth shortly. Of course, not everybody will suffer. Not everybody will die of course, but it is due to the Law of Karma, the law of cause and effect, the law of retribution. Something’s going to happen now, to teach humanity to control themselves. 11. See, when we have sexual life, it’s fine because we have to prepare for incoming souls. We have to give birth, women on Earth, to incoming souls, but because of too much sex life, too many children have been born. We have over-populated the planet and the karma of that is something dreadful, says the Master. 12. Because of over-population and people not being able to control themselves and having too much sex, many are using enforced sterilisation. And when you do that – I did it myself after the fifth child. I let myself be sterilised, but I knew I would pay for it in my next life by not having children. And the karma is that, in our next embodiment, we’re going to see very, very, few souls coming in – very many women being sterile, perhaps even for several incarnations after. 13. See, I also knew that in my next embodiment I would not have time for children, because the work I have to do is all-absorbing, but I have paid the karma. It has taken quite a number of years of karma, and so I can work without the karma in the next embodiment but I won’t be able to have children. 14. It’s an interesting thing that’s happening on Earth. Even with the education we give to our children through media, through schools, through newspapers, they do not understand about the Aids virus. They don’t understand about viruses, infections that come in the body due to abuse of sexual energy. 15. See, you can have sex – even Masters have it. It is the attitude with which you have it, and it is how much you have it. If we live by the discipline we’ve been given by the Lord Maitreya, He has recommended sex between partners every fortnight. If that cannot work, then once a week but that’s it. Then you try to live by a law - you try to live with the understanding of what you are sharing with another human being. You can’t have sex every day, or too often. 16. It’s like eating candy too often, or something you like very much, too often. It should be revered and respected, and the attitude should be right, but sex is not forbidden because it is the discretion of divinity to create within us. It is so that it’s not good if we have too many partners, and one-night stands, and no respect for our bodies, no respect for the divine energy within ourselves. But how do you learn this? 17. I have been thinking, thinking, how do we teach people this concept when they’re not spiritually focused? How do they understand what we are talking about, this with the energy and the abuse of divinity within? How do you explain it to people who don’t understand, who don’t even want to think that they are soul and spirit? 18. So, the real truth of it is that spiritually focused people, they will learn to live with balanced sex life, but most of humanity will not. And because of that, and because the Earth is rising into a higher vibration and becoming sanctified, millions and billions of people will be removed within a certain number of hundreds of years. And They [the Hierarchy] do it, the law does it, via disease – always done it that way – and cataclysmic actions. 19. But I have seen and been given the information, disease will be worse. Now, I will not make you frightened by this because I will tell you that the Law of Christ protects. It has always been like this, He protects His people. He protects the people who walk the way of light, and the only thing He asks of you, is that every day you ask for the Violet Flame to enter into all your bodies – into the body, really work, give it a flush, real flush and then see it happening, and then it’s all you can do really. 20. This is the first life, and it’s in the latter part of it, that I came to learn about sex, the understanding. But even if you’re a disciple who has had many lives, you may not be a disciple who is spiritually illuminated in that area, in that understanding. And a problem comes when people are lonely, and people are searching for the other half, they’re searching for that inner god-self, and they search for it not in meditation so much or in service, but in sex. 21. It’s the quickest way of them getting a kind of feeling, and it should only – it should be modified and balanced into so and so many sharings per year, which means, try to cut down on the number. And again, you can’t do that – you can’t do it with a partner who doesn’t understand, and for whom sex is the same as drinking and eating, and who needs sex so and so many times a week to be happy as he needs sex, or she needs sex. It’s like a steak with french fries and onions, and it tastes nearly as good every time you eat it, especially with Bearnaise sauce on top. Sex is like – it’s a way of eating – eating each other, I’m afraid. Sex is beautiful if it’s done the right way, with the right feelings. 22. It’s an interesting thing isn’t it with a marriage, marriages between people. They can be dreadful relationships, hell on Earth, because people have married for the wrong reasons normally. It is a meal ticket, a car, perhaps a sports car, nice legs, ‘nice tits’, as they say on Earth. 23. Very, very, strange. I’ve been counselling a lot of people and most of the marriages have occurred not because of love but because of something else and then it’s no wonder they’re not lasting. And they can’t make it in bed either because they’re really, in reality, very quickly revolted by each other. And, as Master says and as I discovered, there are marriages where the physical bodies, they are very well attuned to each other, which means lust. They look good - and suddenly it’s no longer there. 24. If the astral bodies are involved, it could give a good marriage if it’s a good astral involvement. It’s very seldom the marriage of the minds, and very, very rarely marriage of soul and spirit. And if you are able to be married to a person, or have a relationship with a person, where all the chakras go together, where you are equally in love physically, emotionally, mentally, soul and spiritually, that’s a marriage of divinity. That is what is termed a true soul mate marriage or a twin soul marriage. 25.And it is so rare that it happens, don’t even think about it – but want it, look for it. It’s good. Look for it – interview. Before you go to bed with anyone, interview that person please. See what it is you’re going to bed with, because you might be so revolted by that person’s ideas and opinions about life and whatever is there, that you can’t even touch that person. And that is the dreadful surprise, that instead of discovering before, they discover afterwards. 26. Sex undermines health when it’s not good, and when it’s good, it gives you health. It gives life to the different organs. It gives life to glands. It’s divine. But if it’s a wrong relationship, it’s better to abstain. 27. And then I always talk about celibacy. Celibacy has created enormous problems on Earth. Religion teaching that celibacy is the way to God is wrong. And many have taught it, many sects and cults, and also the Catholic Church is not allowing their priests to marry, and that is hell on Earth for those people. They want so much to be priests. They have the dharma, the karma. 28. I was thinking, can’t they see in Rome, that the Anglican priests that are married are working equally well at the altars? The same energy comes through them as through a good Catholic priest. 29. After many lives where you have had excesses of sexual action, you have a life coming where you have nothing. It can be through disease or living in celibacy because you choose it for spiritual reasons. But one thing I always mention, if you live in celibacy and you have thoughts about sex, get yourself a partner quickly. If you cannot find a partner, marry Christ. That’s what the nuns and the monks often do, they marry. The sisters marry Christ, have a wonderful marriage with Christ, and the brothers, they marry the lady deity, like Lady Mary, and they actually can manage because they exchange – there is an exchange on higher levels, as well as on lower levels. But when you have problems, do something about the problems. 30. I forgot to mention that of the two dreadful problems of over-population and sterility (which means no humanity), the major problem at the moment is over-population, as we know. 31. I wrote here for you to remember when you’re on your way home in the car: ‘The right use of power, sex and money are ways towards illumination. The wrong use of power, sex and money are ways towards destruction.’ And this is why we are walking towards destruction on the planet Earth. There are too many people who are too self-involved and too selfish, and thus they use energies God has given to them incorrectly. And if we’re going to correct that balance, we would need to have many more people on the side of the light, and we would need to have many more Earth Healing Services and services to achieve that. 32. And we would need to be much better educators of the children. The problem is, we can’t get through in the schools. Where would a school take this talk? Where would you be able to talk in a spiritual way about these problems – they wouldn’t let you in. I mean, perhaps a little school here and there but the problem is, the education of our children is not as good as it should be with topics or subjects of any kind, but especially in relation to the sexual problems. Of course, they teach about Aids, but they don’t give them the understanding of why Aids has come. They don’t know that Aids is a sexually related disease that has not started with the homosexuals recently. It is an old, old disease that has returned. 33. See, these diseases have been on Earth in other times, and now are returning because of karma, bad karma, for humanity – and learning lessons. Even my children – some of them are highly developed souls – won’t listen, won’t listen. They’re not ready to listen. 34. If only people would learn: we live on Earth due to the mercy of God. God has created us. We live here by His/Her mercy. We live here to serve a purpose. We live here to learn to be perfected souls through our expression, the personality. And we are abusing this inner godself by committing wrong actions, and continuously doing it. 35. But even I didn’t know, you see. You’ve got to have a certain illumination of the mind or be a very sensible person to understand. And the crisis on Earth now forces people to be sensible, because they are starting to feel that this Earth is working itself into the extinction of the masses – extinction of humanity, if not extinction of the planet itself. 36. Many spiritual organisations say, ‘No sex, no sex, sex is evil.’– that’s a very bad concept. Or they say, ‘Married couples can have once a month relationship.’ and it’s not good. It creates tension and stress in people and in the marriage. And this with sex being evil, that’s something that unfortunately Buddhism, also Hinduism, and unfortunately the Christian church talk about – and not only that, but the Jewish philosophy is also into it. They don’t explain it correctly. 37. Sex is not evil. It is how you do it that’s evil. It is your attitude, and if there’s not love shared. That’s evil. But coming together, and becoming gods together, that’s beautiful and that creates peace on Earth. But we don’t have much peace on Earth, everyone has noticed. It is due to these complexes and abuse of these energies. 38. Many, many religious leaders have tried to turn the tide, but they do it the wrong way. You can’t stand there with a lifted finger and make people feel filthy, and sullied, and evil because they have a good sex life, or they want sex, or they have the drive or the urge for sex. You don’t change humanity by making humanity feel filthy. 39. And the Christian church, the Catholic church, has unfortunately not done the Western world a lot of good in that way. In the Catholic church there have been wonderful prayers for the redemption of humanity, and people who’ve done wonderful service and sacrificed themselves totally – I’m not talking about that now. I’m talking about the Christian church, unfortunately the Catholic church, having created evil out of sex, and not really educating humanity about what Christ is. And that is wrong use of power. 40. The more you keep people in ignorance, the more power you get over them. If you can give people a very bad education or nothing at all, we have overlords that are then the ‘Lords of the Universe’, who will ‘reign divinely’, they think, over humanity and the Earth. And many have done that. And so, education, and beautiful true education of humanity, is needed and I believe it’s going to happen out of need, enforced upon humanity soon. 41. And if the young people who come here to this school would study about the problem of sex and what incorrect use of money – sex and money – are doing to this planet, they can teach other young people, as many of them will be teachers. And there are ways of doing it without being sacked. 42. I could talk endlessly about this, but you’ve had enough... I am happy if you have learned that money is God’s. Your life belongs to God, and that giving to God, happily giving, is creating the most wonderful life. Open your home, be hospitable to people, share your food, invite your friends in, invite people in, give them of your love. Give them not only money, but give them love, give them care, give them Christ*. *Christ: The Lord Maitreya. The name is often used when the Lord Maitreya appears as the loving and self-sacrificing entrance to God, sometimes in a merging with the Lord Jesus. The Lord Maitreya is known as the Risen Christ and future Buddha of Earth. Excerpts for Contemplation
The following pieces of text are excerpts taken from part I of the talk by Ananda Tara Shan about the three complexes. The number after each excerpt indicates the paragraph in the transcription of the talk from which the excerpt is taken. A piece of music is available, should you wish to have that to accompany your contemplation.
… it’s an enormous topic of course, and now we come to sex. (1)
It’s just that when you become spiritualised, then you start to understand that something is not right here. You cannot share with I don’t know how many men, that is if you’re a woman, and how many women if you’re a man, energies of the most divine kind, and they don’t mean anything. (5)
When you merge, if you’re a man and you merge with a woman, or a woman merges with a man, in sexual intercourse, you actually experience the lowest kind, but it is the fusion, and the merging, and the unity, and the unison with God, because together, man and a woman become God and can feel for a moment some energy of ecstasy or bliss, or something different than just the energies we’re used to on Earth. (6)
… man will always search for God whether he knows it or not, or she knows it or not, many people use sex as the means to do it… (7)
When you try to live by a law, you try to live with the understanding of what you are sharing with another human being. (15)
How do they understand what we are talking about, this with the energy and the abuse of divinity within? How do you explain it to people who don’t understand, who don’t even want to think that they are soul and spirit? (17)
So, the real truth of it is that spiritually focused people, they will learn to live with balanced sex life, but most of humanity will not. And because of that, and because the Earth is rising into a higher vibration and becoming sanctified, millions and billions of people will be removed within a certain number of hundreds of years. (18)
I have seen and been given the information, disease will be worse. Now, I will not make you frightened by this because I will tell you that the Law of Christ protects. It has always been like this, He protects His people. He protects the people who walk the way of light, and the only thing He asks of you, is that every day you ask for the Violet Flame to enter into all your bodies – into the body, really work, give it a flush, real flush and then see it happening, and then it’s all you can do really. (19)
Sex is beautiful if it’s done the right way, with the right feelings. (21)
… if you are able to be married to a person, or have a relationship with a person, where all the chakras go together, where you are equally in love physically, emotionally, mentally, soul and spiritually, that’s a marriage of divinity… it is so rare it happens, don’t even think about it – but want it, look for it. (24), (25)
Sex undermines health when it’s not good, and when it’s good, it gives you health. (26)
But one thing I always mention, if you live in celibacy and you have thoughts about sex, get yourself a partner quickly. If you cannot find a partner, marry Christ. That’s what the nuns and the monks often do, they marry. The sisters marry Christ, have a wonderful marriage with Christ, and the brothers, they marry the lady deity, like Lady Mary, and they actually can manage because they exchange – there is an exchange on higher levels, as well as on lower levels. But when you have problems, do something about the problems. (29)
The right use of power, sex and money are ways towards illumination. The wrong use of power, sex and money are ways towards destruction.(31)
There are too many people who are too self-involved and too selfish, and thus they use energies God has given to them incorrectly. And if we’re going to correct that balance, we would need to have many more people on the side of the light, and we would need to have many more Earth Healing Services and services to achieve that. (31)
If only people would learn: we live on Earth due to the mercy of God. God has created us. We live here by His/Her mercy. We live here to serve a purpose. We live here to learn to be perfected souls through our expression, the personality. And we are abusing this inner godself by committing wrong actions, and continuously doing it. (34)
But even I didn’t know, you see. You’ve got to have a certain illumination of the mind or be a very sensible person to understand. (35)
And so education, and beautiful true education of humanity, is needed and I believe it’s going to happen out of need, enforced upon humanity soon. (40)
I could talk endlessly about this, but you’ve had enough…I am happy if you have learned that money is God’s. Your life belongs to God, and that giving to God, happily giving, is creating the most wonderful life. Open your home, be hospitable to people, share your food, invite your friends in, invite people in, give them of your love. Give them not only money, but give them love, give them care, give them Christ. (42)
Study Questions - Sex
1. What is it that starts new epidemics and new diseases? 2. Why are people seeking sex and sex partners? 3. Why shall we work with the Violet Flame and how shall we do it? 4. How would you explain a balanced sex life? 5. What makes a marriage or a relationship a good marriage or a good relationship? 6. How does sex effect your health? 7. What is the purpose of us living here on Earth? 8. What are the prerequisites for helping us not abusing the inner godself through wrong actions? 9. How can we show that our life belongs to God? |