Dear Friends on the Spiritual Path,
The Hierarchy [the Great White Brotherhood, the Inner Government of Earth] has called all spiritual people to action by asking us to establish and maintain a global prayer and meditation vigil around the clock. The world needs to be flooded with light and love constantly. What is asked from those who respond to the need is that they allocate a half hour to one hour time slot each day at the same time of day or night for the work. In this half hour to one hour, they meditate and send their prayers, light and love to trouble spots around the world to help bring about peace [and healing]. This is an urgent call to action by the Hierarchy in this hour of need and, should you wish to participate, we ask you to take action on this activity immediately and respond as soon as possible. Editor’s note: Even though this message from the Hierarchy was given to Ananda Tara Shan in 2002, it is as relevant today as it was back then. If you are interested, samples of some prayers for world peace are available via these links: |
If you would like to participate you are welcome to email us your available time in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). You can convert your local time to GMT here: CONVERT YOUR TIME
Alternatively, if you would like us to convert your local time to GMT, please let us know your location (city and country) and your available time (in local time). If you would like to know what your local time is when converted to GMT just let us know and we would be happy to email it to you. Below is a current roster. This roster does not contain any participants’ details but shows available time slots in GMT. You are welcome to choose a time that is most convenient for you. For example, you may like to choose a time slot that is not already covered, or you may wish to tune in with others working in the same time slot to intensify the work being done. If you need to change your time slot at any stage, please notify us and we can amend the roster. Although you may commit to do the vigil a certain time each day, it is quite possible that from time to time, circumstances may arise that make it impractical or difficult to do your vigil at that time, or on that day(s). Therefore, it is quite understandable if you are unable to do your vigil now and then. The most important thing is that we do our best and that we feel a peace in relation to our vigil work; it is our intent when we do the vigil, our love for the Earth and all life on it, that helps to bring about enduring effects. We are happy to respond to any questions about this, should you have any. With thanks and love Roster of Participants
The roster below represents one 24-hour period, shown in GMT. i.e. the roster begins at 00:00 GMT and ends at 23:30 GMT. Where you see 'VIGIL', the time slot is covered by one or more people. |