Open House 8
[Editor's note: Beginning in the late 1980’s, Ananda conducted a series of Open House evenings. These were cosy gatherings where Ananda taught using a Question and Answer format, responding to questions asked by the participants.] On this page, the audio recording of the Open House evening has been divided into tracks corresponding to each question. TRACK 1 To listen, click on the white arrow in the audio bar. |
In the Tabernacle of Moses could you please explain what the seven-branch candle stick represented? And the second part of the question: 'What was the Ark of the Covenant?' ANSWER 1. The number seven is the Christ who has within Him the powers of all the seven rays that come from the Solar Logos. The numbers twelve, one and seven are the powerful numbers we find in the divine scriptures and the Bible. The seven always represents the seven rays, the energy that comes out of the Trinity, and it also represents the number that Christ stands for. 2. We have many stars with different numbers. We have five-pointed stars, we have six-pointed stars, we have seven-pointed stars. The five-pointed star, the way I drew it, means the protection against evil, against negativity. The six-pointed star is the star of harmony and balance, and the seven-pointed star is the star of Christ. 3. The Christ is, as you all know, the World Teacher in all religions. The Christ sent Moses, Jesus and hundreds of world teachers to Earth to become world teachers establishing a religion, a philosophy that would attract a certain number of souls. 4. [The second part of the question] The Ark of the Covenant was, in those days, God's power - the Holy Spirit, the Grace of God. They built an enormous, beautiful, beautiful covenant full of electricity. It was electric because the Holy Spirit in one of Its frequencies is totally electric – and if people were not graced by God, anointed by God, they could not touch the Ark of the Covenant, they would die on the spot. It reminds me a little bit of the bishop's staff. Those who are uninitiated who touch it get an electric current through them if it is totally and rightly consecrated. No one can touch it except the bishop and certain ordained priests. 5. See, the Ark is also the promise. The Ark of the Covenant is also God's promise to a people – of peace and never annihilation. The Ark is God's gift, in this case, to a certain race of people, giving this race of people the Grace of God, the Holy Spirit. And the priests in those days - Moses and his priests - had very great powers that we do not see anyone have today. The priests on Atlantis and in Egypt, and in those days – 'Bible days' we call them - had greater powers than the ones we have today. Those powers were necessary. 6. Today the priests have nearly no power. They don't even believe much in God or the Light – for that reason they can have no power. You can only be empowered by God if you believe totally in God and His Laws, His/Her Laws, and then you become ordained by Christ and you are empowered by the Holy Spirit. 7. The Ark of the Covenant today is the grail. The grail, the inner grail on the inner levels, is the mighty Ark of the Covenant. The moment you touch the grail, you put your fingers into the Ark. It is just not so strong because we today, without the training we had in the temples, would not be able to manage. But everything on Earth is power, light and love and when you are a spiritual human being, you are empowered to a certain degree by the Grace of God, the Holy Spirit, and it manifests through many symbols. 8. The grail symbol has been used, but as the bowl without the foot. It was the Christians who introduced the grail as such, as the grail we have come to know via the medieval scriptures, but the grail is coming to a beautiful manifestation in the hearts of man now. And in the New Age, we talk about nothing else but grails here and grails there, and that is because grails are Christ and all the Might of God in one symbol. And when we partake of the grail, we partake of the flesh and the blood of God through Christ, the Son. It is the Ark of the Covenant, just in another way. TRACK 2 To listen, click on the white arrow in the audio bar. QUESTION
Another card says: 'I read in a book by Geoffrey Hodson that Jesus was not actually crucified on the cross but was instead stoned to death and hung on a tree. Could you shed some light on this matter?' ANSWER 1. Geoffrey Hodson was an initiate of a certain degree, and what he has written about in his book is perhaps a mistake. I am not saying that it was a mistake what he wrote. It was a mistake to write it because it is information that only has been given out to a few people on Earth, initiates. And I have talked a tiny, weeny bit about it in the School of Healing and Wisdom, that in actual fact Jesus was stoned, but a substitute went in His place and was crucified – one who looked completely like Jesus – because you see, you have to act out the symbolic story. I will talk a little bit about it in the workshop on Saturday. 2. The life of all teachers is symbolic but that does not mean that they did not happen. The symbols had to be acted out, and so the Christ had to be crucified because that was what was needed in those days. And an initiate that looked very much like Jesus, as a matter of fact a family relation, was crucified. 3. Yes my dears, it really does not matter how Jesus was killed, what happened to Him, whether He was killed or not. What matters is that the Christ utilised the Lord Jesus for a certain number of years, and He did His mission excellently well. TRACK 3 To listen, click on the white arrow in the audio bar. QUESTION
Another question: 'At Open House, you said the White Tara is the way of the heart, to the Heart of Maitreya. How is the White Tara the way of the heart? That is, in what way does Her energy manifest and provide us with the way to Maitreya?' ANSWER 1. It is impossible to get to the Lord Maitreya without the opening of the heart chakra for, with the opening of the heart chakra, compassion and love become qualities within man. Now, without these qualities, there is no way you can approach the Lord Maitreya at all. So, as I have written here, we have now an energy in the world called the White Tara. Why it is called the White Tara is that it manifests through a soul who will become the first Lady Buddha on Earth. 2. [Ananda is writing on the board.] We have a power on this Earth called Mother God, as well as we have Father God and Son God; and Mother God is much a third ray manifestation of the Holy Spirit. Mother God is an energy only. It is the energy of God the Mother, and Mother God has entered female initiates and Masters, and they have become the embodiments of Mother God on Earth. 3. Who are they? The known ones: Lady Mary – the Lady Mary is known as the World Mother of Earth of the last 2,000 years. Before Her, we had many other female Masters who embodied the Mother God and we had before Lady Mary, a very well-known female Master initiate, Isis. 4. Now, Mother God – this energy you can call Isis power, Mary power, White Tara power and so on, but they are different frequencies. That is why the names occur. 5. In Isis, the power was much third/fifth ray. The religion – the Hermetic philosophy in Egypt was much a third/fifth ray religion. 6. In Lady Mary, it was also fifth ray. It was sixth and fifth ray because the Mother God, the World Mother, was manifesting on the fifth ray very much, and it was the Piscean Age, the sixth ray religion, where Lady Mary became Mother God – therefore sixth and fifth ray energy. 7. See, the White Tara is a second and third ray energy, because the second ray is the Buddha Mother and the third ray is the Holy Spirit. White Tara is therefore, second/third ray energy and it embodies in different vehicles, but when the vehicle completely embodies, that human being will be called the White Tara. Now, a little bit of the White Tara energy is seeping into the world and this energy makes an open door to a path called the Way of the Heart which leads to the Heart of Maitreya, the great World Teacher on the planet. White Tara is actually the Holy Spirit as a feminine being, leading people – with the power of the Holy Spirit, leading people through an open door called compassion and love, getting the people onto this path, the Way of the Heart, that goes all the way to the Heart of Maitreya. That is a long path, or a shorter path, all depending if you walked it in earlier lives, but the path is manifesting now totally on the planet. It is the path of compassion, and that path has only been walked by a certain number of saints and good people. 8. The idea is to get as many people in the world onto that path as possible. That will save the entire planet. Earth will be illuminated and mankind as well. You cannot reach the Lord Maitreya, who is the Lord of compassion and love, without feelings and characteristics within you of compassion and love. Who teaches you compassion and love? – the energy called the White Tara. 9. You see, Mother God – we call it Mother God – is an energy. It is the feminine part of the Solar Logos. What is God for us? It is the Solar Logos. [Ananda writes on the board.] The Solar Logos is God. Solar Logos is an enormous being that you cannot comprehend, and in that being, we have a trinity of energy: Father, Son and Mother – Mother God. It is one entity, one God that contains all the three powers. Of this entity called the Solar Logos, Mother God is one part. Mother God expresses Herself on all levels of existence in various shapes, forms and energy. 10. Isis is not a Buddha. Isis is a female Master who has become a Christ. She was a female initiate in Egypt. She embodied the Mother God energy as Isis, so the power that She radiates on behalf of Mother God is the Isis power. It has taken the name after Her. She now lives on the Dog Star, Sirius. 11. See, all the female Masters who have embodied Mother God leave their imprint behind as the name of the energy – They give a name to the energy. 12. Then we have Lady Quan Yin and Lady Mary – many female Masters, but Lady Mary, the World Mother, Her energy is very well known to humanity. It is a beautiful blueish-white energy, nearly an angelic energy, of compassion and love, total stillness of feelings – total stillness. 13. The new Mother God energy gets the form of the White Tara. The White Tara is the Mother of the Buddhas – that is a symbol. It is a second/third ray energy. It means that, in order to channel this energy, the soul must be a Buddha of the second ray as well as being well-versed in the other rays, especially the third ray - the ray of the Holy Spirit of course. 14. All female Masters on this Earth are called Tara – Taras. It is a Sanskrit word. Isis was a Tara, Lady Mary was a Tara, Lady Quan Yin was a Tara, and so were all the others. But the new female Master coming to Earth embodies the energy of the White Tara. It is a beautiful, beautiful being – enormous being. It is an energy, and that energy can take embodiment in a human being, or several human beings, in various degrees; but the human being where that energy embodies totally becomes the White Tara on Earth. 15. It is very difficult for me to explain all this to you because the White Tara has come to Earth, but the White Tara's mission does not end until the Lord Maitreya is physically reborn, and that is not until some hundred years hence. Now, Mother God therefore is an energy – part of the Solar Logos. That energy descends into a female initiate or a Master, and that initiate or Master becomes the World Mother or Mother of Earth for a period of time on Earth, and is usually known afterwards as the World Mother or Mother of Earth for a certain period. 16. That does not mean that when She has left the office, She is not still a World Mother. It just means that in every age – each 2,000 years – we have a change of Mothers who represent the Mother God energy on Earth. And because the Earth is in such a colossal evolution, we have several at a time now. We have different Mothers of Earth, World Mothers incarnating, all embodying different beautiful frequencies of Mother God, and They have different offices on the inner levels. So, on Earth now we have something unique: we have different souls embodying, incarnating the Mother God energy in different frequencies. 17. And if you notice here again, the White Tara is the energy the Hierarchy now utilises to create the door for a certain amount of humanity to walk through onto the Way of the Heart – walking straight towards the Heart of Maitreya. 18. You will understand – it takes time to understand. I have just come to understand it myself, it has taken some years. It will become more understood in our Summer School where we are working with these energies constantly. TRACK 4 To listen, click on the white arrow in the audio bar. QUESTION
‘Could you explain why, when I am around you and want to talk to you, my mind becomes suddenly blank, and I cannot have an intelligent communication with you? I believe I am not the only one to experience this phenomenon. Could you give a remedy?’ ANSWER 1. I will explain that I am an energy-force. No one understands what an energy-force in a human body is, but I am an energy-force. When I do not work, I become a lesser energy-force; when I work, I become a major energy-force. 2. That energy-force enters into all your chakras and into your mind. If mine is stronger than yours, you blank out, because it is total stillness of your mind so I can bring you to a higher level of consciousness. If you were just one lot of questions and muddled up thoughts and all that, I couldn't get through. 3. I say 'I' but who am I? It is all the different energies that use me because, what I find quite funny and interesting, is that different Masters that you are near to, utilise me when I talk. It is different beings that are utilising me, so we never know who I am, except when you ask. 4. So, this is what I have said: I am a Hierarchical instructor. By that I mean that your teacher or Master speaks to you through me, and I become more and more an empty vehicle where I sometimes live, sometimes others live for a period of time to get to you. So, you blank out because my energy, especially when I work, is so strong that you cannot think and you become still, and that is the intention. That is why you need the spiritual teacher, to still your muddled and muddied thoughts and feelings for a couple of minutes, up to one hour or two, and then I can lift you higher to soul, and you will benefit from it. The ones of you who also get to know me personally, lose because I become more sort of human – you know, an ordinary human being, family life and all that. Then you can talk to me and you find that somewhat easy but it is much, much worse when I work, because then the radiation comes through and that's it. 5. I will also tell you something that, in older days, the students were not meant to ask one question. They were meant to listen to the teacher, and learn through being silent for many years. We are living in another day and age, and I like to give you an opportunity to ask me questions because I love to answer your questions if I can, and if I am allowed to do so. And that is why I have created these evenings, for you to get this opportunity. 6. It is very difficult for me – you see, I could explain much better about the White Tara, but I can't do that because you would think I was a nutcase if I did. To people who know me, I can do it – explain much more in detail – because they understand what I am saying. For me to explain totally about this, for some of you it wouldn't be understood anyway, but when you sit in our energy, and come to the Summer School, and come to the Services, this energy is teaching you a lot, and with time, you come to understand the whole thing. TRACK 5 To listen, click on the white arrow in the audio bar. QUESTION
Let us see – what have we here: '... a technique to transmute negative ties between oneself and someone else by visualising the Heart of Mother Christ between you. Would this constitute a healing or a meditation? That is, does one have to count the time spent on it as part of one's daily meditation?' ANSWER 1. No, no – that is what we term 'energy work'. Of course, if you sit there in your chair and you visualise, that is like a meditation. If you just do it in a couple of seconds, it is not a meditation because it is not proper energy work – it is not direct and proper enough for a meditation. Of course, if you sit there and visualise and see the heart and breathe into the heart, this is like a meditation. 2. Let us see. I have many different questions. Let us look at them. TRACK 6 To listen, click on the white arrow in the audio bar. QUESTION
I like that one - I don't know who asked it: 'Can you talk about why the Shan the Rising Light founders were born in tiny Denmark?' ANSWER 1. I can tell you it has also been very, very strange for me to understand because I didn't get my proper English because of that. Terrible, terrible – to have to work in the English-speaking world and you're born in Denmark and not in England, Australia or something. That's just powerful, isn't it? I can't get the words down properly. TRACK 7 To listen, click on the white arrow in the audio bar. QUESTION
Well, there is a little question that has not been answered here: 'I am still not sure whether the flame is stronger than the light in meditation, or vice versa?' ANSWER 1. Now, as I have explained before, the flame is stronger, for the flame is mental power, fire. I know the lower mental power is air but, in this case, it's fire because it is mixing in with the soul. But see, if you meditate on light, who of you is able to attract the light of the soul? Now, if you are able to attract the light of the soul, if there is an alignment between the lower and the higher self, then you get fire, but if you are not able to attract the light of the soul, you get astral light, very mild, gentle light. That is why we give to new beginners to mediate on light or on colours – not on flames, except if they are used to this energy frequency. But, for certain people, the light will be even stronger at times, for you attract directly the light of soul. So, it really depends on the soul development of the person who meditates. TRACK 8 To listen, click on the white arrow in the audio bar. QUESTION
There is a question here: 'Is sorrow always a negative emotion?' ANSWER 1. No, because sadness and sorrow are just the experiences we need to develop. If we only had happy moments, we would learn very little. Sorrow and sadness are means to grow as individuals and as souls. But, if the sorrow overcomes you so that you can no longer act properly, so that you forget your responsibilities and duties to the world and yourself, then it is no longer a positive characteristic or feeling. You can be sad and feel sorrow, but you must not be overcome by these emotions or you will become depressed – and usually a depressed person does nothing, except feeling depressed and ruining the lives in his or her environment. TRACK 9 To listen, click on the white arrow in the audio bar. QUESTION
'Does feeling sad decrease the overall vibration of one’s astral body?' ANSWER 1. Yes, if it is a negative emotion of sadness, if it is also self-pity. You can feel sad. Lord Jesus feels sad. The Masters feel very sad at times because the world changes so slowly, but They are not overcome by the sadness, eating away Their good self, Their good duties. And that is what I said: if it is starting to become a cancerous growth within you, you had better stop. Of course, it is not easy to stop but again, we have the means in the therapy wheel and so on. TRACK 10 To listen, click on the white arrow in the audio bar. QUESTION
'Can such feelings reduce the mental body’s vibrations?' ANSWER 1. Yes, you can lower all the vibrations in the personality to such a low vibration that you open the door to elementals that can possess you. That is one of the ways that you can open the door to the darkness. Emotions like anger, jealousy, hatred, sadness and grief, if not controlled, can open the door. TRACK 11 To listen, click on the white arrow in the audio bar. QUESTION
'Where do souls store their energy and is it unlimited?' ANSWER 1. Yes, it is definitely unlimited. There's just one thing: the personality bodies cannot take the unlimited energy. This is why it takes such a long time to attract soul energy. See, if you just opened up like this and the soul just gave you all the unlimited energies it had, you would burn to cinders. It is one million times stronger than your personality, especially when higher developed. So, it gives you a little bit at a time, but that alone is too much to handle for some people. But it is an unlimited source of energy. It draws energy from God, as do the spirits, the monads. 2. Yes, my dears – the thing is, my dears, that I will not answer more questions tonight, because you have already been tired for the last half hour. It is very fatiguing to get so much of the Divine Wisdom in one go because, when you talk about the Divine Wisdom, there's energy. If I talked about automobile repair or building houses, you could listen to me for five hours and feel wonderful, but the moment we talk about Divine Wisdom, it's like an atom bomb that crashes over your heads. And that is why you feel like you feel now – it is not the heat alone. It is very concentrated and it gives much food for thought. 3. So, I would like to stop here and say that I have enjoyed these Open House activities through 1987. |