The White Tara - part 2
From a lecture by Ananda Tara Shan in Rødding 5 July 1988 To watch the video, click on the white arrow in the sound bar below.
Study Notes
You have been listening to Ananda talk about the White Tara (part 2). In the following presentation, you are given some study notes (excerpts from the talk) for reflection. You may like to write some thoughts as you reflect on the words. If you have any questions, you might write them down and you may find an answer as you continue with your study on the subject, or an answer may one day come to you in meditation. To view the study notes, click on the white arrow below. Please adjust the volume of the accompanying music to your liking, or turn it off, as you prefer.
Study Questions
You may like to use the following questions for contemplation or discussion. To view the study questions, click on the white arrow below. Please adjust the volume of the music to your liking, or turn it off, as you prefer.